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IBREI President, Maurício Prazak, Facilitates Business Exchange in Franca

In a two-day journey, IBREI President Maurício Prazak, in collaboration with Rafael Pugliesi, Director of the International Business Department (DNI) of ACIF, embarked on an immersion into the business landscape of Franca, providing valuable experiences to all involved.

Exploring the Footwear Industry:

During the visit, the delegation had the privilege of firsthand exposure to the operations of renowned footwear industry players, including PG4 and Freeway. This deep dive into production activities was an opportunity to understand the challenges and innovations driving this important economic segment.

The Richness of Leather and Tanneries:

The agenda also included exploration of companies specialized in leather preparation and tanneries, revealing the intricate processes that underpin the production chain and ensure quality in the final products.

Coffee: Liquid Gold of the Region:

The IBREI delegation visited companies dedicated to coffee cultivation and processing, with a spotlight on the Cocapec Coffee Cooperative. This experience provided a profound understanding of the vital role coffee plays in the regional and national economy.

Lecture on Business Internationalization:

In a notable moment, Maurício Prazak delivered a lecture at the Exporta Franca event, promoted by ACIF's DNI. In his address, he tackled the relevance and challenges of internationalization for regional companies, sharing valuable insights acquired throughout his career.

Launch of FBR 2024:

The event also witnessed the launch of Franca Business Round 2024 (FBR 2024), an annual initiative organized by ACIF. With IBREI's institutional support since its inception, FBR represents a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs to broaden horizons and foster strategic partnerships.


IBREI President Maurício Prazak's visit to Franca not only strengthened commercial ties but also facilitated an exchange of knowledge and opportunities across various realms of the business world. This event proved to be a significant milestone toward prosperous partnerships and sustainable economic development in the region.

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