IBREI Projects

IBREI Projects is IBREI's consultancy and technical advisory unit and aims to assist companies, entrepreneurs and institutions (public and private) in structuring and developing their activities, producing customized solutions for their markets and operations. To this end, it has a highly qualified technical team both in Brazil and in other countries where the Institute is already present. Want to know more?
Contact us and get your quote. contato@ibrei.org
Products and services
Business Rounds
● Organization of business rounds between Brazilian and foreign companies o Physical or virtual rounds o Multisectoral or by specific sectors o Bilateral or multilateral ● Own online business roundtable platform ● Matchmaking service – attracting international buyers or suppliers
International Trade
● Consultancy for import and export of products and services: ○ operation for the account and order of third parties ○ to-order operation ● Logistics and contractual structuring ● Support for export and import processes: ○ Documentary advice and customs services ○ Complete advice and monitoring throughout the process; ○ Development of special projects according to your needs and demands; ○ IPI, PIS, COFINS and ICMS tax exemption studies; ○ Advice for buying and selling goods ○ Prospecting for suppliers and customers in Brazil and abroad ○ Management of company internationalization
Cursos, Eventos e Palestas
Organization of seminars, events, lectures, workshops, forums, etc. ● Providing lectures and content for events ● Conducting courses and consultancy for international business: ○ International Marketing ○ International Business Culture ○ International Logistics ○ Tax and financial planning ○ Regulatory and product convergence ○ Business English ○ And much more...
Negócios Internacionais
Development of Strategic Planning o new products the development of markets o feasibility studies (of products and markets) economic, financial and tax planning or etc… ● Valuation and M&A projects (Mergers and acquisitions) ● Revenue Management ● Implementation and Development of KPIs ● Creation of predictive statistical models
● Monitoring and systematization of legislative proposals of interest to the Member, informing in real time whenever any progress occurs and explaining the due legislative process; ● Monitoring the Official Gazette of the Union and the public agendas of relevant authorities in decision-making processes that interfere in the Associates' business; ● Preparation of the Legislative Agenda with events and deliberations of interest, as well as the respective Result with the political situation, highlights of proceedings and new proposals presented; ● Support for the Associate's institutional event with the participation of parliamentarians and authorities; ● Preparation and implementation, based on a stakeholder map and information collected during monitoring, of a strategic plan for relationships and defense of interests with members of the National Congress, Legislative Assemblies and Federal and State Executive; ● Identification of opportunities to develop opinion-forming processes with public authorities and organized civil society, presenting demands to the various actors in the most convenient format for the institutional strengthening of the Institute and the Associate; ● Construction of positive and efficient Public Policies for society, together with the main actors of the Public Power.
Reception of Delegations
● Reception of foreign delegations that come to Brazil (businesses or government representatives) ● Organization of events and agenda for foreign missions ● Provision of information about markets and businesses in the most diverse sectors ● Identification and acquisition of buyers, suppliers and business partners in Brazil ● Support for relationships with sectoral and governmental entities
Inteligência de Mercado
● Big Data intelligence from national and international supply chains ● Sector Analysis ● Compliance Analysis, regulatory requirements and embargoes on countries and products ● Sanctions Screening and Risk Management ● Customized studies
Missões Empresariais
● Carrying out missions for Brazilian businesspeople abroad ○ business missions ○ knowledge missions and trends ○ specific missions for participation in fairs and exhibitions ● Services and information on: market strategies, business opportunities, risks and trends, distribution channels, etc… ● Organization of local events in the destination country, meetings and technical visits ● Monitoring and support for participation in international fairs ● Prospecting buyers, suppliers and partners in the destination country ● Support for relationships with sectoral entities
Consultoria Empresarial
● Development of Strategic Planning o new products the development of markets o feasibility studies (of products and markets) economic, financial and tax planning or etc… ● Valuation and M&A projects (Mergers and acquisitions) ● Revenue Management ● Implementation and Development of KPIs ● Creation of predictive statistical models
Retail & Real Estate
● Capture and prospecting of Commercial Real Estate, Logistics, Industrial Land and related assets. ● Sale & Leaseback - financial and real estate operation carried out to allocate the company's fixed capital in its own business. The company that owns a property, whether industrial or logistical, sells it to an investor who leases the space back to the company. ● Buy & Lease - Operation in which an investor purchases an existing asset upon demand from the future tenant, where the requirements of location, construction period, time for occupancy, etc. are not viable for a “Built to Suit”. ● Built to Suit (BTS) Project Development - atypical and long-term rental contracts in which the property is built to meet the interests of the tenant, already pre-determined. In this case, the construction or renovation of a property is carried out tailor-made to meet the client's needs, with the landlord being responsible, either by themselves or through third parties, to build or promote the renovation of the property that will be rented. ● Valuation - Evaluation using the discounted cash flow model - Review of the physical state of the work - Growth potential - Expansion possibilities - Financial evaluation - Preparation of the project presentation book
● Big Data intelligence from national and international supply chains ● Sector Analysis ● Compliance Analysis, regulatory requirements and embargoes on countries and products ● Sanctions Screening and Risk Management ● Customized studies

Coordenação do IBREI Projetos

Head of Projects Management
"We work with a highly qualified team dedicated to the development of studies and technical work. We are focused on generating transparent and secure information about local markets and business practices, as well as providing all types of support for companies interested in internationalizing your business."

Head of Projects Engeneering
"In general, IBREI, as a private and highly independent institution, is committed to contributing to the improvement of the business environment in Brazil, always paying attention to economic growth in harmony with a public agenda that strengthens business confidence. In this way, in addition to supporting companies, we also contribute to Public and Private institutions – from the most diverse sectors of the economy – in fulfilling their institutional purposes
Project Analysis Committee
The Project Analysis Committee is the institutional body responsible for evaluating suitability and economic-financial viability, providing an opinion on the continuation of the operation.