Institutional Ambassador
Paulo Succar
• Lawyer and legal consultant
"Brazil has become, since 1995, an important destination for investments by Spanish companies. Until then, the little that was known about the country in Spanish academic and business circles was its eternal vocation for football, samba and other stereotypes. years the Brazilian economy began a profound process of privatization of its transcendent sectors such as energy, banking, steel and telecommunications. With the arrival of President Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995-2002), the Brazilian Government promoted a broad process of economic opening, which began. , albeit timidly, during the previous government of Itamar Franco (1992-1994). This process of selling state-owned companies attracted the interest of many Spanish companies, which were not only done with the share capital of some of the main companies. recently privatized, if not also associated with others in a process of merger unprecedented in the country's economy. With the Government of Fernando Henrique Cardoso, bilateral relations between Brazil and Spain increased, reinforced with state trips by representatives of both countries. , continuous to the present.
Spain currently ranks second among the largest investors in Brazil. According to the latest Direct Investment Census of the Central Bank of Brazil (BACEN), Spain, from the perspective of the final controller, participates in 1,114 companies, registers an invested position in 2016 of US$ 60.803 billion, growth of 62.26% and participation of 12.81% in total investments in Brazil.
Despite the strong presence of Spanish investments in Brazil, the presence of Brazilian companies in Spain is still relatively small. The country, however, has been gaining importance as a target market for Brazilian investments abroad. According to data from the Central Bank of Brazil, in 2017, Spain was responsible for 0.37% of Brazilian direct investments abroad, with a total invested in the country of US$41 million. Spain ranked 16th among the main destinations for Brazilian investments abroad last year.
Spain is one of the world's main economic powers and the 7th largest recipient of foreign direct investment globally. Spain's attraction for foreign investment not only lies in its internal market, but also in the possibility of operating with third markets from there. And this is so because Spain has a privileged geostrategic position: it belongs to the European Union and is the gateway to North Africa and South America." - PAULO SUCCAR
"Brazil has since 1995 become an important destination for Spanish company investments. Until then, little was known about the country in Spanish academic and business circles. It was its eternal vocation for football, samba and other stereotypes. Five years ago, the Brazilian economy began to undergo a profound process of privatization of its key sectors such as energy, banking, steel and telecommunications. With the arrival of President Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995-2002), the government was promoted. A broad process of economic opening, started, albeit timidly, during the previous government of Itamar Franco (1992-1994). the share capital of some of the main companies that have recently been privatized, but which have also joined forces with others in a merger process without precedents in the country's economy. With the government of Fernando Henrique Cardoso, bilateral relations between Brazil and Spain were increased, reinforced by the state trips of representatives of both countries, continuing to the present.
On the other hand, Spain currently occupies second place among the largest inverters in Brazil. According to the latest Census of Direct Investment in Spain, under the optics of the final controller, it counts with participation of 1,114 Brazilian companies, registers an inverted position in 2016 of 60.803 million dollars, a growth of 62.26% and a participation of 12, 81% in total.
Despite the strong presence of Spanish investments in Brazil, the presence of Brazilian companies in Spain remains relatively small. The country, however, is gaining importance as an objective market for Brazilian investments abroad. According to data from the Central Bank of Brazil, in 2017, Spain was responsible for 0.37% of direct Brazilian investments abroad, with a total invested in the country of US$41 million. Spain occupied 16th place among the main destinations for Brazilian investments abroad last year.
Spain is one of the world's main economic powers and the 7th recipient of direct foreign investment at a global level. Spain's attraction for foreign investment is not only rooted in its interior market, but also in the possibility of operating with third markets from our country. And this is so because Spain has a privileged geostrategic position: it belongs to the European Union and is the access gate to North Africa and South America." - PAULO SUCCAR
Country Data
Geographic and population data:
Territorial extension: 505.957 km²
Total population (2021): 46 567 497 milhões
capital: Madri (aprox. 3.334.800 milhões em 604 km²)
Two Largest cities (outside the capital):
Barcelona (1.664.200 milhões habitantes em 101,9 km²)
Valência (800.300 milhões de habitantes em 134,6 km²)
Borders: França e Golfo da Biscaia (Norte e a Nordeste) Portugal e Oceano Atlântico (Oeste e Noroeste) Mar Mediterrâneo (Sul e Leste)
Population Distribution: 49.4% Homens e 50.6% Mulheres
Socio-economic Data:
Renda Per Capita: 42,214 USD (2021)
Composition of PIB:
20,2% serviços
67,9% agricultura
2,7% indústria
Coin: Euro
Currency Variation:
últimos 10 anos: -3,97% +26,70%
últimos 5 anos: -5,85% a +6,32%
Current quote:
Political Data:
Government: Constitutional Monarchy based on Parliamentary Democracy
Sovereign: His Majesty, King Dom Felipe VI (since 19 June 2014), hereditary
President of the Government and Prime Minister: Pedro Sanches
Presidential Warrant: 2018-
Broken: Partido Socialista Operário Espanhol
Upcoming elections: 2023
Doing Business Classification*:
Rank 30 out of 191
Rating 77.9 *(business environment quality
classification developed by the World Bank)
Index of Economic Freedom* classification:
Rank 39 out of 184
Score 69.9
*(economic freedom classification developed by The Heritage Foundation)
Position 36 of 163
1Score 1,744 *(social security classification developed by The Economist)
Credit risk assessment:
Entidade | Categoria | Avaliação | Classificação | Última Atualização | CreditWatch |
Fitch | LTR | A- | Investimento Médio Elevado | 11/06/2021 | Indisponível |
Fitch | LTR | A- | Investimento Médio Elevado | 11/06/2021 | Indisponível |
Fitch | LTR | A- | Investimento Médio Elevado | 11/06/2021 | Indisponível |
Moody's | Other Short Term (Foreign) | (P)P-2 | Investimento Médio Elevado | 18/09/2020 | Indisponível |
Moody's | Senior Unsecured (Foreign) | Baa1 | Investimento Médio Elevado | 18/09/2020 | Indisponível |
Moody's | LT Issuer Rating (Foreign) | Baa1 | Investimento Médio Elevado | 18/09/2020 | Indisponível |
Moody's | LT Issuer Rating (Domestic) | Baa1 | Investimento Médio Elevado | 18/09/2020 | Indisponível |
Moody's | Senior Unsecured (Foreign) | Baa1 | Investimento Médio Elevado | 18/09/2020 | Indisponível |
Moody's | Senior Unsec. Shelf (Foreign) | (P)Baa1 | Investimento Médio Elevado | 18/09/2020 | Indisponível |
Moody's |
Senior Unsecured MTN (Domestic) | (P)Baa1 | Investimento Médio Elevado | 18/09/2020 | Indisponível |
Moody's | Other Short Term (Foreign) | (P)P-2 | Investimento Médio Elevado | 18/09/2020 | Indisponível |
Moody's | Senior Unsec. Shelf (Foreign) | (P)Baa1 | Investimento Médio Elevado | 18/09/2020 | Indisponível |
Moody's | Senior Unsecured MTN (Foreign) | (P)Baa1 | Investimento Médio Elevado | 18/09/2020 | Indisponível |
Moody's | Senior Unsecured (Foreign) | Baa1 | Investimento Médio Elevado | 18/09/2020 | Indisponível |
Moody's | Senior Unsec. Shelf (Foreign) | (P)Baa1 | Investimento Médio Elevado | 18/09/2020 | Indisponível |
Moody's |
Senior Unsecured MTN (Domestic) | (P)Baa1 | Investimento Médio Elevado | 18/09/2020 | Indisponível |
Moody's | LT Issuer Rating (Foreign) | Baa1 | Investimento Médio Elevado | 18/09/2020 | Indisponível |
Moody's | Other Short Term (Foreign) | (P)P-2 | Investimento Médio Elevado | 18/09/2020 | Indisponível |
Moody's | Senior Unsecured MTN (Foreign) | (P)Baa1 | Investimento Médio Elevado | 18/09/2020 | Indisponível |
Moody's | Senior Unsecured (Foreign) | Baa1 | Investimento Médio Elevado | 18/09/2020 | Indisponível |
Moody's | Senior Unsecured MTN (Foreign) | (P)Baa1 | Investimento Médio Elevado | 18/09/2020 | Indisponível |
Moody's |
Senior Unsecured MTN (Domestic) | (P)Baa1 | Investimento Médio Elevado | 18/09/2020 | Indisponível |
Moody's | Senior Unsecured (Foreign) | Baa1 | Investimento Médio Elevado | 18/09/2020 | Indisponível |
Moody's | LT Issuer Rating (Domestic) | Baa1 | Investimento Médio Elevado | 18/09/2020 | Indisponível |
Moody's | LT Issuer Rating (Foreign) | Baa1 | Investimento Médio Elevado | 18/09/2020 | Indisponível |
Moody's | LT Issuer Rating (Domestic) | Baa1 | Investimento Médio Elevado | 18/09/2020 | Indisponível |
Moody's | Senior Unsecured (Foreign) | Baa1 | Investimento Médio Elevado | 18/09/2020 | Indisponível |
S&P | Moeda Estrangeira de Longo Prazo | A | Investimento Médio Elevado | 17/09/2021 | Negativo |
S&P | Moeda Local de Longo Prazo | A | Investimento Médio Elevado | 17/09/2021 | Negativo |
S&P | Moeda Estrangeira de Longo Prazo | A | Investimento Médio Elevado | 17/09/2021 | Negativo |
S&P | Moeda Estrangeira de Curto Prazo | A-1 | Investimento Médio Elevado | 17/09/2021 | Indisponível |
S&P | Moeda Estrangeira de Longo Prazo | A | Investimento Médio Elevado | 17/09/2021 | Negativo |
S&P | Moeda Local de Longo Prazo | A | Investimento Médio Elevado | 17/09/2021 | Negativo |
S&P | Moeda Estrangeira de Curto Prazo | A-1 | Investimento Médio Elevado | 17/09/2021 | Indisponível |
S&P | Moeda Estrangeira de Curto Prazo | A-1 | Investimento Médio Elevado | 17/09/2021 | Indisponível |
S&P | Moeda Local de Curto Prazo | A | Investimento Médio Elevado | 17/09/2021 | Indisponível |
S&P | Moeda Local de Curto Prazo | A | Investimento Médio Elevado | 17/09/2021 | Indisponível |
S&P | Moeda Local de Curto Prazo | A | Investimento Médio Elevado | 17/09/2021 | Indisponível |
S&P | Moeda Local de Longo Prazo | A | Investimento Médio Elevado | 17/09/2021 | Negativo |
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