International Representation
Institutional Ambassador
Laertes Boechat
Luxembourg represents an important strategic access route for Brazilian products to European markets. The country's great political, social and economic stability, as well as its proximity to the country's power structures, make Luxembourg a privileged location for large Brazilian multinational companies.
Country Data
Geographic and population data:
Territorial extension: 2 586 km²
Total population (2020): 632,3mil
Capital: Luxemburgo (aprox. 114,3mil)
Two Largest cities (outside the capital):
Esch-sur-Alzette ( 35,4mil habitantes em 14,3km²)
Differdange ( 25,4mil habitantes em 22,18km²)
Borders: França (Sul), Bélgica (Oeste a Norte) e Alemanha (Norte a Leste)
Population Distribution: 49.8% Homens e 50,2% Mulheres
Socio-economic Data:
Renda Per Capita: 115.873,60 USD (2020)
Composition of GDP:
86% de serviços (1/3 em finanças),
1% agricultura e
13% indústria
Coin: Euro
Currency Variation:
últimos 10 anos: -5,62 a +24,32%
últimos 5 anos: -12,29 a 4,63%
Current quote:
Political Data:
Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Grand Duke: Henri Albert
Current Prime Minister: Xavier Bettel
Prime Minister's Order: 5 years, election by direct vote
Broken: Democratic Party
Upcoming elections: 2023
Doing Business Classification*:
Rank 72 out of 191 (link)
Note 69.6
*(business environment quality classification developed by the World Bank)
Index of Economic Freedom* classification:
Rank 18 of 184 (link)
Score 76.0
*(economic freedom classification developed by The Heritage Foundation)
Global Peace Index Ranking*:
position not available (link)
Score not available
*(social security classification developed by The Economist)
Credit risk assessment:
Entidade | Categoria | Avaliação | Classificação | Última Atualização | CreditWatch |
Fitch | LTR | AAA Estável | Prime | 13/08/2021 | Indisponível |
Fitch | STR | F1+ | Indisponível | 13/08/2021 | Indisponível |
Fitch | Local Currency Short Term Issuer Default Rating | F1+ | Indisponível | 13/08/2021 | Indisponível |
Fitch | Local Currency Short Term Issuer Default Rating | F1+ | Prime | 13/08/2021 | Indisponível |
Fitch | LTR | AAA Estável | Prime | 13/08/2021 | Indisponível |
Fitch | Local Currency Short Term Issuer Default Rating | F1+ | Prime | 13/08/2021 | Indisponível |
Fitch | Country ceiling | AAA | Prime | 13/08/2021 | Indisponível |
Fitch | STR | F1+ | Prime | 13/08/2021 | Indisponível |
Fitch | Local Currency Long Term Issuer Default Rating | AAA Estável | Prime | 13/08/2021 | Indisponível |
Fitch | STR | F1+ | Prime | 13/08/2021 | Indisponível |
Fitch | Country ceiling | AAA | Prime | 13/08/2021 | Indisponível |
Fitch | Local Currency Long Term Issuer Default Rating | AAA Estável | Prime | 13/08/2021 | Indisponível |
Fitch | Country ceiling | AAA | Prime | 13/08/2021 | Indisponível |
Fitch | LTR | AAA Estável | Prime | 13/08/2021 | Indisponível |
Fitch | Local Currency Long Term Issuer Default Rating | AAA Estável | Prime | 13/08/2021 | Indisponível |
Moody's | LT Issuer Rating (Domestic) | Aaa | Prime | 18/06/2021 | Indisponível |
Moody's | LT Issuer Rating (Foreign) | Aaa | Prime | 18/06/2021 | Indisponível |
Moody's | LT Issuer Rating (Foreign) | Aaa | Prime | 18/06/2021 | Indisponível |
Moody's | Senior Unsecured (Domestic) | Aaa | Prime | 18/06/2021 | Indisponível |
Moody's | LT Issuer Rating (Domestic) | Aaa | Prime | 18/06/2021 | Indisponível |
Moody's | LT Issuer Rating (Domestic) | Aaa | Prime | 18/06/2021 | Indisponível |
Moody's | Senior Unsecured (Domestic) | Aaa | Prime | 18/06/2021 | Indisponível |
Moody's | Senior Unsecured (Domestic) | Aaa | Prime | 18/06/2021 | Indisponível |
Moody's | LT Issuer Rating (Foreign) | Aaa | Prime | 18/06/2021 | Indisponível |
S&P | Local Currency LT | AAA | Prime | 10/09/2021 | Estável |
S&P | Local Currency ST | A-1+ | Indisponível | 10/09/2021 | Indisponível |
S&P | Local Currency LT | AAA | Prime | 10/09/2021 | Estável |
S&P | Foreign Currency ST | A-1+ | Prime | 10/09/2021 | Indisponível |
S&P | Foreign Currency ST | A-1+ | Indisponível | 10/09/2021 | Indisponível |
S&P | Local Currency LT | AAA | Prime | 10/09/2021 | Estável |
S&P | Local Currency ST | A-1+ | Prime | 10/09/2021 | Indisponível |
S&P | Foreign Currency ST | A-1+ | Prime | 10/09/2021 | Indisponível |
S&P | Foreign Currency LT | AAA | Prime | 10/09/2021 | Estável |
S&P | Foreign Currency LT | AAA | Prime | 10/09/2021 | Estável |
S&P | Local Currency ST | A-1+ | Prime | 10/09/2021 | Indisponível |
S&P | Foreign Currency LT | AAA | Prime | 10/09/2021 | Estável |
International agreements and treaties:
International Updates:
IBREI office in Luxembourg
"The IBREI office in Luxembourg supports companies in the process of internationalization to Europe, especially through the financial and technological hub that the country offers." – L. BOECHAT.
IBREI Luxemburgo
Laertes Boechat
International Representative - IBREI Luxembugo
Escritório IBREI Luxemburgo
Endereço: Rue Eich L-3352 Leudelange
Telefone: +352 26 352 856