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Global News
Comunicado de imprensa da AR/VP, de 20 de novembro de 2023, sobre as eleições presidenciais na Argentina | Link | 21/11/2023 |
Inflation and monetary policy across the Atlantic: A comparison Análise aprofundada 13-11-2023 | Link | 14/11/2023 |
RELATÓRIO Bússola estratégica e capacidades de defesa espaciais da UE 7.11.2023 - ( 2022/2078(INI) ) | Link | 10/11/2023 |
Jewish cultural heritage in Europe: Preservation as a means for understanding Jewish cultural heritage in Europe: Preservation as a means for understanding Briefing 08-11-2023 | Link | 10/11/2023 |
An álise aprofundada - How to involve other banks in bank rescue operations? - 07-11-2023 07/11/2023 | Link | 10/11/2023 |
9-09-2023 10:00 Hearing on Women's reproductive health and specificities | Link | 20/09/2023 |
Próxima reunião D-BR: 12 de outubro de 2023 | Link | 20/09/2023 |
Declaração de HRVP de 3 de julho de 2023 sobre as últimas decisões eleitorais na Venezuela | Link | 04/07/2023 |
9-06-2023 09:00 Missão a Santiago e Valparaíso (Chile) e Brasília (Brasil), 18 a 23 de junho de 2023 | Link | 30/06/2023 |
Briefing - Equal pay for equal work between men and women: Pay transparency and enforcement mechanisms - 23-06-2023 22/06/2023 | Link | 24/06/2023 |
Strengthening ties: A new agenda for the EU's relations with Latin America and the Caribbean | Link | 21/06/2023 |
Briefing - Recreational use of cannabis: Laws and policies in selected EU Member States - 20-06-2023 19/06/2023 | Link | 21/06/2023 |
Workshops - Workshop: Role of cyber in the Russian war against Ukraine: impact and consequences - 29-06-2023 - Subcommittee on Security and Defence 19/06/2023 | Link | 20/06/2023 |
Chineses indicam nova onda bilionária de investimentos em energia no Brasil | Link | 15/06/2023 |
ebt crisis and relief in developing countries 28-06-2023 14:30 Debt crisis and relief in developing countries | Link | 15/06/2023 |
Eurobarómetro: A um ano das eleições europeias, os cidadãos sabem o impacto da União Europeia nas suas vidas Comunicado de imprensa 06-06-2023 - 11:57 | Link | 09/06/2023 |
O crescente problema de propriedades privadas ocupadas ilegalmente na Espanha 22.05.2023 | Link | 09/06/2023 |
Briefing - Political parties, voter mobilisation and the 1979 European elections - 07-06-2023 06/06/2023 | Link | 09/06/2023 |
European Youth Event 2023: jovens para discutir o futuro da Europa em Estrasburgo Comunicados de imprensa 07-06-2023 - 17:07 | Link | 09/06/2023 |
Latest news - Next Meeting of DMER as an interparliamentary meeting: 5 June 2023 - Delegation for relations with Mercosur 05/06/2023 | Link | 06/06/2023 |
Comunicado de imprensa - Ingerência estrangeira: pedido de proteção urgente das eleições europeias de 2024 01/06/2023 | Link | 02/06/2023 |
Two sides of the same sparkly coin? Análise aprofundada 01-06-2023 | Link | 02/06/2023 |
General documents - Next Interparliamentary Meeting of DMER: 5 June 2023 - Delegation for relations with Mercosur 01/06/2023 | Link | 02/06/2023 |
Research for REGI Committee - Impact of Brexit on the Development of Irish Regions and their Cross-Border Cooperation | Link | 02/06/2023 |
Analysis: US debt-ceiling deal averts disaster, but savings might be less than advertised | Link | 01/06/2023 |
Biden says Sweden will 'soon' join NATO at U.S. Air Force address | Link | 01/06/2023 |
Premiê da Espanha dissolve Parlamento e antecipa eleições legislativas | Link | 30/05/2023 |
Denmark offers to host Ukraine peace talks, wants India, China, Brazil to attend | Link | 29/05/2023 |
European shares slip, but debt ceiling deal buoys U.S. futures | Link | 29/05/2023 |
Erdogan confronts polarised Turkey after historic win | Link | 29/05/2023 |
Slovenia's National Recovery and Resilience Plan: Latest state of play Briefing 25-05-2023 | Link | 26/05/2023 |
Latest on Russia’s war on Ukraine [What Think Tanks are thinking] Briefing 25-05-2023 | Link | 26/05/2023 |
Migrant women and the EU labour market: Overcoming double discrimination | Link | 25/05/2023 |
Conclusões da EUCO de 24 a 25 de março de 2022, incluindo os últimos desenvolvimentos da guerra contra a Ucrânia, 7 de abril de 2022 | Link | 24/05/2023 |
Um ano de invasão da Rússia e guerra de agressão contra a Ucrânia, 16 de fevereiro de 2023 | Link | 24/05/2023 |
A preparedness plan for Europe: Addressing food, energy and technological security | Link | 24/05/2023 |
Reform of the CMDI framework that supports completion of the Banking Union Análise aprofundada 17-05-2023 | Link | 23/05/2023 |
Denmark offers to host Ukraine peace talks, wants India, China, Brazil to attend | Link | 22/05/2023 |
Biden sees shift in ties with China 'shortly', says G7 wants to de-risk, not decouple | Link | 22/05/2023 |
Dollar steady as debt ceiling talks to resume | Link | 22/05/2023 |
Eleições Europeias de 2024: Presidente Metsola "Vote. Não deixe que os outros escolham por si" | Link | 19/05/2023 |
NATO reaches back to Cold War past with first major defence plans | Link | 18/05/2023 |
Assessment of the implementation of the human rights clause in international and sectoral agreements | Link | 18/05/2023 |
Xi summit to deepen Central Asian ties in split-screen with G7 | Link | 18/05/2023 |
The state of rights and freedoms in Cuba, including the effects of the embargo | Link | 18/05/2023 |
Next Interparliamentary Meeting of Delegation for relations with Mercosur (DMER): 5 June 2023 | Link | 16/05/2023 |
Yellen Reiterates That the U.S. Could Run Out of Cash by June 1 | Link | 16/05/2023 |
Europe needs stronger line on China ties, ministers urge | Link | 16/05/2023 |
An Assessment of the State of the EU Schengen Area and its External Borders Estudo 15-05-2023 | Link | 15/05/2023 |
Exclusive: G7 leaders to target Russian energy, trade in new sanctions steps | Link | 15/05/2023 |
Turkey’s upcoming elections could unseat Erdogan. Here’s everything you need to know | Link | 15/05/2023 |
Missão D-BR no Brasil de 14 a 18 de maio de 2023 | Link | 15/05/2023 |
Equality in the EU - Exchange of views with Equinet | Link | 15/05/2023 |
U.S. Congress and White House begin tough debt limit and budget negotiations | Link | 11/05/2023 |
As G7 finance summit kicks off, warnings of ‘catastrophe’ in the U.S. | Link | 11/05/2023 |
Europe battling punishing drought and unpredictable weather forecast for 2043 | Link | 11/05/2023 |
Receitas da UE: um novo começo para as finanças da UE, um novo começo para a Europa | Link | 11/05/2023 |
European Parliament - Mission to Washington D.C. and Wisconsin, U.S.A., 15–19 May 2023 | Link | 10/05/2023 |
US banking risks loom large in budget’s global outlook | Link | 10/05/2023 |
Britain ditches commitment to remove all EU laws by the end of 2023 | Link | 10/05/2023 |
Presidente do PE, Metsola: A União Europeia é importante | Link | 10/05/2023 |
Olaf Scholz: «Precisamos de uma UE geopolítica, alargada e reformada, aberta ao futuro» | Link | 10/05/2023 |
Latest news - Next DROI meeting - 22 and 23 May 2023 - Subcommittee on Human Rights | Link | 09/05/2023 |
Subject files - INI reports voted in ECON - Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs | Link | 09/05/2023 |
Ukraine farms lose workers to war, complicating a tough harvest | Link | 08/05/2023 |
Completing the Banking Union The case of crisis management of small- and medium-sized banks | Link | 08/05/2023 |
Gold regains ground with focus on US inflation data | Link | 08/05/2023 |
How has the world reacted to Syria rejoining the Arab League? | Link | 08/05/2023 |
Financial impact of the war in UKR: current and future challenges for the EU budget | Link | 05/05/2023 |
US Fed hikes interest rates by 25 basis points, signals a pause | Link | 04/05/2023 |
China urges 'high vigilance' over NATO expansion in Asia | Link | 04/05/2023 |
US Congress gears up for immigration reform as Title 42 ends | Link | 04/05/2023 |
Reducing methane emissions in the energy sector | Link | 04/05/2023 |
How a US debt crisis standoff could cause a recession - a bad one | Link | 03/05/2023 |
EU mulls partial exit from energy treaty over climate concerns | Link | 03/05/2023 |
Research for REGI Committee - The impact of the gas supply crisis on the Just Transition Plans. | Link | 03/05/2023 |
Climate talks see push for deadline on ending ‘fossil fuel age’ | Link | 02/05/2023 |
Eurozone inflation rises to 7 percent after months of decline | Link | 02/05/2023 |
Vídeo – Comissão da Agricultura e do Desenvolvimento Rural | Link | 02/05/2023 |
REPORT on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on methane emissions reduction in the energy sector and amending Regulation (EU) 2019/942 | Link | 02/05/2023 |
Exchange of views on Youth unemployment, in particular in outermost regions | Link | 02/05/2023 |
Political turmoil in Peru | Link | 17/04/2023 |
Briefing - European Peace Facility: State of play as of 31 March 2023 - 11-04-2023 10/04/2023 | Link | 13/04/2023 |
12-04-2023 14:00 EPRS online roundtable: EU-China relations: future trajectories and trends | Link | 13/04/2023 |
Resposta dada por Paolo Gentiloni em nome da Comissão Europeia | Link | 11/04/2023 |
Resposta a uma pergunta escrita - Escalada dos preços da habitação na UE e investimento em habitação a preços acessíveis - E-000123/2023(ASW) | Link | 11/04/2023 |
Briefing - Revision of EU air quality legislation: Setting a zero pollution objective for air - 05-04-2023 04/04/2023 | Link | 10/04/2023 |
26-04-2023 15:00 Reinforcing EU-Latin America Trade Relations | Link | 10/04/2023 |
28-03-2023 14:30 Marine pollution (in particular plastic pollution) and its impact on fisheries | Link | 03/04/2023 |
Eurodeputados avaliam o controlo do Estado de direito pela Comissão nos Estados-Membros | Link | 03/04/2023 |
General-purpose artificial intelligence Em síntese 30-03-2023 | Link | 03/04/2023 |
25-04-2023 13:30 EPRS online Book Talk: Women and leadership in the EU | Link | 03/04/2023 |
12-04-2023 14:00 EPRS online roundtable: EU-China relations: future trajectories and trends Policy Roundtables and Book Talks EPRS | Link | 03/04/2023 |
28-03-2023 14:30 EU external action and crisis response: is the EU budget fit for purpose? Audições BUDG | Link | 23/03/2023 |
How academic freedom is monitored - Overview of methods and procedures Estudo 22-03-2023 | Link | 23/03/2023 |
Ensuring Efficient Cooperation with the UK in civil law matters Estudo 22-03-2023 | Link | 23/03/2023 |
Current Membership of the European Council Em síntese 21-03-2023 | Link | 22/03/2023 |
A crise humanitária dos Yanomami na Amazônia 13.3.2023 | Link | 22/03/2023 |
Latest news - D-BR in association with DMER on Brazil, 23 March, 15.00-17.00, Brussels - Delegation for relations with the Federative Republic of Brazil 20/03/2023 | Link | 21/03/2023 |
D-BR em associação com DMER no Brasil, 23 de março, 15h00-17h00, Bruxelas | Link | 21/03/2023 |
Vídeo – reunião de uma comissão - Segunda-feira, 20 de Março de 2023 - 13:59 - Comissão da Indústria, da Investigação e da Energia - Subcomissão da Segurança e da Defesa 20/03/2023 | Link | 21/03/2023 |
Intersectional evaluation of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on different groups | Link | 21/03/2023 |
Estratégia da UE em resposta ao conflito prolongado na Ucrânia 24.2.2023 | Link | 14/03/2023 |
Strengthening transatlantic ties in a challenging multilateral world - 10-03-2023 | Link | 13/03/2023 | | Link | 13/03/2023 |
Nova York e Washington, DC: MPEs participaram da CSW da ONU e discutiram os direitos das mulheres | Link | 13/03/2023 |
A new chapter in EU-UK ties? [What Think Tanks are thinking] | Link | 06/03/2023 |
Towards an International Anti-Corruption Court? | Link | 02/03/2023 |
logo Parlamento Europeu Subscreveu Documentos (SEDE) para Parlamento Europeu. Esta informação foi recentemente atualizada, estando agora disponível. Press release - Brexit: leading MEPs welcome EU-UK political agreement on Northern Ireland 27/02/2023 Statement by David McAllister, Bernd Lange and Nathalie Loiseau on the EU-UK political agreement to resolve outstanding issues relating to the Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland. Committee on Foreign Affairs Committee on International Trade Subcommittee on Security and Defence Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP Subscreveu A UE e as suas instituições para Parlamento Europeu. Esta informação foi recentemente atualizada, estando agora disponível. Press release - Brexit: leading MEPs welcome EU-UK political agreement on Northern Ireland 27/02/2023 Statement by David McAllister, Bernd Lange and Nathalie Loiseau on the EU-UK political agreement to resolve outstanding issues relating to the Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland. Committee on Foreign Affairs Committee on International Trade Subcommittee on Security and Defence Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP Subscreveu Comércio internacional para Parlamento Europeu. Esta informação foi recentemente atualizada, estando agora disponível. Em síntese - Chinese strategic interests in European ports - 27-02-2023 27/02/2023 China is increasingly investing in key European infrastructure, including ports. This is something that has drawn attention at both EU and Member State level, in particular regarding strategic dependency on China and how it affects the EU's economic interests. This short briefing provides an initial overview of existing, publicly known Chinese interests in EU ports. Fonte : © União Europeia, 2023 - PE Subscreveu Assuntos Externos para Parlamento Europeu. Esta informação foi recentemente atualizada, estando agora disponível. Em síntese - Chinese strategic interests in European ports - 27-02-2023 27/02/2023 China is increasingly investing in key European infrastructure, including ports. This is something that has drawn attention at both EU and Member State level, in particular regarding strategic dependency on China and how it affects the EU's economic interests. This short briefing provides an initial overview of existing, publicly known Chinese interests in EU ports. Fonte : © União Europeia, 2023 - PE Subscreveu Transportes para Parlamento Europeu. Esta informação foi recentemente atualizada, estando agora disponível. Em síntese - Chinese strategic interests in European ports - 27-02-2023 27/02/2023 China is increasingly investing in key European infrastructure, including ports. This is something that has drawn attention at both EU and Member State level, in particular regarding strategic dependency on China and how it affects the EU's economic interests. This short briefing provides an initial overview of existing, publicly known Chinese interests in EU ports. Fonte : © União Europeia, 2023 - PE Subscreveu Segurança e Defesa para Parlamento Europeu. Esta informação foi recentemente atualizada, estando agora disponível. Em síntese - Chinese strategic interests in European ports - 27-02-2023 27/02/2023 China is increasingly investing in key European infrastructure, including ports. This is something that has drawn attention at both EU and Member State level, in particular regarding strategic dependency on China and how it affects the EU's economic interests. This short briefing provides an initial overview of existing, publicly known Chinese interests in EU ports. Fonte : © União Europeia, 2023 - PE Subscreveu Ambiente para Parlamento Europeu. Esta informação foi recentemente atualizada, estando agora disponível. Briefing - Revision of the market stability reserve for the EU emissions trading system: Fit for 55 package - 27-02-2023 27/02/2023 The proposal to revise the market stability reserve (MSR) for the EU emissions trading system (ETS) consists of prolonging its current parameters. Under the current rules, the intake rate of allowances to the MSR and the minimum allowances placed in the reserve have been doubled until the end of 2023, to allow for a quick removal of surplus EU ETS allowances. The proposal is aimed at maintaining the current doubled intake rate (24 %) and minimum number of allowances placed in the reserve (200 million) until 31 December 2030, the end of Phase IV of the EU ETS. In Parliament, the file has been assigned to the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI). The committee adopted its report on 15 March 2022, with 65 votes in favour, 20 against and one abstention. During the plenary sitting of 5 April 2022, the Parliament adopted, with amendments to the recitals, the institution's position for negotiations, with 490 votes in favour, 127 against and 7 abstentions. The Council adopted its general approach on 29 June 2022. Trilogue negotiations began on 6 September 2022 and a provisional agreement was reached on 16 17 December 2022, amending the proposal's recitals but keeping the articles unchanged. Fourth edition. 'EU legislation in progress' briefings are updated at key stages in the legislative procedure. Fonte : © União Europeia, 2023 - PE Subscreveu Comércio Internacional para Parlamento Europeu. Esta informação foi recentemente atualizada, estando agora disponível. Press release - Brexit: leading MEPs welcome EU-UK political agreement on Northern Ireland 27/02/2023 Statement by David McAllister, Bernd Lange and Nathalie Loiseau on the EU-UK political agreement to resolve outstanding issues relating to the Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland. Committee on Foreign Affairs Committee on International Trade Subcommittee on Security and Defence Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP Subscreveu > Segurança e Defesa para Parlamento Europeu. Esta informação foi recentemente atualizada, estando agora disponível. Press release - Brexit: leading MEPs welcome EU-UK political agreement on Northern Ireland 27/02/2023 Statement by David McAllister, Bernd Lange and Nathalie Loiseau on the EU-UK political agreement to resolve outstanding issues relating to the Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland. Committee on Foreign Affairs Committee on International Trade Subcommittee on Security and Defence Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP Subscreveu Assuntos Externos para Parlamento Europeu. Esta informação foi recentemente atualizada, estando agora disponível. Press release - Brexit: leading MEPs welcome EU-UK political agreement on Northern Ireland 27/02/2023 Statement by David McAllister, Bernd Lange and Nathalie Loiseau on the EU-UK political agreement to resolve outstanding issues relating to the Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland. Committee on Foreign Affairs Committee on International Trade Subcommittee on Security and Defence Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP Subscreveu Futuros eventos para Parlamento Europeu. Esta informação foi recentemente atualizada, estando agora disponível. Workshops - Pegasus affair: the end of privacy and cybersecurity? - 02-03-2023 - Estudos Científicos Prospetivos 27/02/2023 null The use of Pegasus software for unlawful surveillance of political targets via their mobile phones was first identified in 2016, but became more prominent in 2021 following a major international investigative journalism initiative. The workshop will explore the issues presented by the Pegasus affair, discuss the use of spyware and privacy for EU citizens and discuss policy options and practical steps to counteract such forms of unlawful surveillance. This workshop will also serve for promoting the work of the European Parliament's Committee of Inquiry to investigate the use of Pegasus and equivalent surveillance spyware. Programme 14:00 - 14:10 Welcome and Introductory remarks Ivo HRISTOV, MEP and STOA Vice-Chair 14:10 - 14:45 Pegasus and other similar intrusive technologies: threats and challenges Bart PRENEEL, Prof. Cybersecurity, KU Leuven University Chloé BERTHÉLÉMY, Senior Policy Advisor leading on spyware European Digital Rights (EDRi) 14:45 - 15:30 What are the practical steps the EU can take to limit unlawful surveillance and build safeguards around our electronic communications? Wojciech WIEWIÓROWSKI, European Data Protection Supervisor Olivier MICOL, Head of Unit Data protection, DG JUST, European Commission 15:30 - 15:50 Q&A session 15:50 - 16:00 Closing remarks Ivo HRISTOV, MEP and STOA Vice-Chair Policy Roundtables and Book Talks - EPRS conference: Increasing European added value in an age of global challenges - 07-03-2023 - Serviço de Estudos do Parlamento Europeu 27/02/2023 EPRS event on 7 March This event will be held in the Library Reading Room of the European Parliament in Brussels. The registration is mandatory only if you do not have an accreditation or an EU Institutions security badge that allow you to enter freely the Spinelli building. If you have such an accreditation/badge you do not need to register. From the COVID-19 pandemic to the conflict in Ukraine, the potential value of further European integration is clearer than ever before. The latest edition of the EPRS study 'Mapping the cost of non-Europe 2022-2032' aims to support the European Parliament in the process of setting the EU's political agenda. The study's findings show that further European Union integration in 50 policy areas could not only generate over €2.8 trillion per year by 2032 but also help promote peace, environmental protection and social prosperity. Localização: Library Reading Room, EP, Brussels and live on Webex Fonte : © União Europeia, 2023 - PE Subscreveu Perguntas escritas para Parlamento Europeu. Esta informação foi recentemente atualizada, estando agora disponível. Written question - Practical implementation of the revised EPBD - E-000577/2023 27/02/2023 Question for written answer E-000577/2023 to the Commission Rule 138 Sara Skyttedal (PPE) Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP Written question - Preventing the expansion of sewage plants - E-000573/2023 27/02/2023 Question for written answer E-000573/2023 to the Commission Rule 138 Sara Skyttedal (PPE) Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP Subscreveu A UE e as suas instituições para Parlamento Europeu. Esta informação foi recentemente atualizada, estando agora disponível. Press release - Parliamentarians from across Europe discuss economic, social and budgetary issues 27/02/2023 The annual meeting on economic governance between MEPs and MPs from 29 European countries, including Ukraine, kicked off on Monday. Committee on Budgets Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee on Employment and Social Affairs Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP Subscreveu Assuntos Económicos e Monetários para Parlamento Europeu. Esta informação foi recentemente atualizada, estando agora disponível. Press release - Parliamentarians from across Europe discuss economic, social and budgetary issues 27/02/2023 The annual meeting on economic governance between MEPs and MPs from 29 European countries, including Ukraine, kicked off on Monday. Committee on Budgets Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee on Employment and Social Affairs Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP Subscreveu Futuros eventos para Parlamento Europeu. Esta informação foi recentemente atualizada, estando agora disponível. Audições - Public Hearing on "The language immersion model in Catalonia, Spain" - 28-02-2023 - Petições 27/02/2023 Open book in library with floating letters On 28 February 2023 the Committee on Petitions will hold a public hearing with professors and experts on the topic “The language immersion model in Catalonia, Spain“. The public hearing will follow up on several petitions on the impact of the immersion model in Catalan at schools. Session I: The compatibility between European regulations and case law and the linguistic model in Catalonia. Session II: Impact of linguistic immersion in Catalonia on the school performance of students whose mother tongue is Spanish. Session III: The Catalan linguistic-cultural model Session IV: Linguistic immersion in Catalonia, respect for secular bilingualism in Catalonia and compatibility with the linguistic conjunction model. Q&A session Closing remarks by Dolors Montserrat, Chair of the Committee on Petitions Localização: European Parliament, Brussels, Room: SPINELLI BUILDING - 3G2 Fonte : © União Europeia, 2023 - PE Subscreveu Vídeos - Outros eventos para Parlamento Europeu. Esta informação foi recentemente atualizada, estando agora disponível. Vídeo - outros eventos - European Parliamentary week 2023 - Opening session: Economic and social challenges in times of geopolitical uncertainty - Segunda-feira, 27 de Fevereiro de 2023 - 13:29 27/02/2023 Duração do vídeo : 57' Disclaimer : A interpretação dos debates facilita a comunicação, mas não é um registo dos actos. O registo é constituído pelas traduções revistas do discurso original. Fonte : © União Europeia, 2023 - PE Vídeo - outros eventos - European Parliamentary week 2023 - Opening session: Economic and social challenges in times of geopolitical uncertainty - Segunda-feira, 27 de Fevereiro de 2023 - 13:21 | Link | 01/03/2023 |
Revision of the market stability reserve for the EU emissions trading system: Fit for 55 package Revision of the market stability reserve for the EU emissions trading system: Fit for 55 package Briefing 27-02-2023 | Link | 01/03/2023 |
Chinese strategic interests in European ports Em síntese 27-02-2023 | Link | 01/03/2023 |
Brexit: principais eurodeputados saúdam acordo político UE-Reino Unido sobre a Irlanda do Norte | Link | 01/03/2023 |
Vídeo – reunião de uma comissão - Terça-feira, 28 de Fevereiro de 2023 - 13:29 - Comissão dos Assuntos Externos - Subcomissão da Segurança e da Defesa | Link | 01/03/2023 |
EU security, defence and foreign policies [What Think Tanks are thinking] Briefing 23-02-2023 | Link | 24/02/2023 |
Overview on the tax compliance costs faced by European enterprises – with a focus on SMEs Estudo 22-02-2023 | Link | 23/02/2023 | | Link | 22/02/2023 |
Pegasus Spyware: a threat to privacy and cyber security? | Link | 22/02/2023 |
Russia's war on Ukraine: US sanctions | Link | 22/02/2023 |
Russia's war against Ukraine: US support | Link | 22/02/2023 |
Social tracking methodology for the EU budget Estudo 01-01-2023 | Link | 22/02/2023 |
Answer to a written question - <p>Alarming situation in El Salvador: systematic human rights violations, restriction of basic freedoms and attack on democracy</p> - E-004165/2022(ASW) | Link | 22/02/2023 |
The European Union and its citizens | Link | 22/02/2023 |
EPRS online policy roundtable: One year from the Russian invasion of Ukraine | Link | 22/02/2023 |
Violência contra as mulheres: Parlamento pede à UE que ratifique a Convenção de Istambul | Link | 16/02/2023 |
Online age verification methods for children Em síntese 15-02-2023 | Link | 16/02/2023 |
Acodo Mercosul com União Europeia | Link | 14/02/2023 |
Guerra na Ucrânia e a União Europeio | Link | 14/02/2023 |
Economic and Budgetary Outlook for the European Union 2023 | Link | 02/02/2023 |
EUROPEAN BUDGET 2023 | Link | 02/02/2023 |
Brasil: Declaração do Alto Representante em nome da UE sobre o ataque às instituições democráticas | Link | 24/01/2023 |
EPRS policy roundtable: EU Agriculture's path to sustainability | Link | 24/01/2023 |
Microsoft confirma investimento de US$ 10 bi na Open AI — empresa criadora do ChatGPT | Link | 24/01/2023 |
Chief Executives, Economists Brace for Recession as Davos Begins | Link | 24/01/2023 |
ANPD Publica "Guia Orientativo de Cookies e Proteção de Dados" | Link | 18/10/2022 |
análise da intimidação militar da China a Taiwan | Link | 05/10/2022 |
EPRS online policy roundtable: Global disorder: Can the G-20 rise to the challenge? | Link | 04/10/2022 |
O “apagão” na economia europeia. | Link | 02/10/2022 |
Resposta ao Crime Organizado | Link | 16/09/2022 |
Influência da China e Russia no Mundo | Link | 31/08/2022 |
Economic repercussions of Russia’s war on Ukraine – Weekly Digest 19 August 2022 | Link | 23/08/2022 |
What lies behind and what is ahead? | Link | 08/08/2022 |
Aljazeera - Will the Middle East be a flashpoint between the US and China? | Link | 03/08/2022 |
Ética e desafios da sociedade frente ao tsunami tecnológico | Link | 28/07/2022 |
Sustentabilidade e a Geopolitica | Link | 26/07/2022 |
Análise aprofundada - Association Agreements with Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova on the roads to EU Membership - | Link | 26/07/2022 |
India - Segurança Alimentar | Link | 26/07/2022 |
Acordo de livre comércio entre o Mercosul e Singapura é concluído | Link | 25/07/2022 |
Rússia e Ucrânia acordam retomada de exportações de grãos e fertilizantes | Link | 25/07/2022 |
Creation of a public European medicines infrastructure: Purpose and feasibility | Link | 25/07/2022 |
The Fundamental Rights of Irregular Migrant Workers in the EU Estudo 19-07-2022 | Link | 20/07/2022 |
Guerra na Ucrânia e a União Europeio | Link | 13/07/2022 |
Towards new rules on transparency and targeting of political advertising | Link | 12/07/2022 |
Ex-primeiro-ministro japonês Shinzo Abe morre após ser baleado durante discurso | Link | 10/07/2022 |
Boris Johnson renuncia como primeiro-ministro do Reino Unido | Link | 10/07/2022 |
A reunião da Delegação do Parlamento Europeu para as Relações com a República Federativa do Brasil | Link | 28/06/2022 |
Aproximação entre Brasil e OCDE deve colaborar para avanço da regulamentação do lobby | Link | 28/06/2022 |
China's strategic interests in the Western Balkans | Link | 27/06/2022 |
Interrupção da cadeia de abastecimento devido à guerra na Ucrânia (Pergunta de Cidadão Europeu ao Parlamento Europeu) | Link | 20/06/2022 |
Interrupção da cadeia de abastecimento devido à guerra na Ucrânia (Resposta do Parlamento Europeu) | Link | 20/06/2022 |
Decreto exclui o valor da “capatazia” do imposto de importação | Link | 16/06/2022 |
Reunião do BRICS reafirma compromissos do grupo | Link | 14/06/2022 |
Brasil vai à Cúpula das Américas para tentar avançar agendas regional e global | Link | 14/06/2022 |
Austrália e Brasil: parceria estratégica e eleições | Link | 14/06/2022 |
Uruguay accede a bajar arancel del Mercosur y Brasil libera exportaciones desde zonas francas | Link | 14/06/2022 |
OCDE aprova plano de adesão do Brasil ao ‘grupo dos países ricos’ | Link | 14/06/2022 |
Deputados aprovam acordo com a Jamaica para cooperação na área de Defesa | Link | 03/06/2022 |
Sancionado PL que altera regras de Apoio a micro e pequena empresa - PRONAMPE | Link | 27/05/2022 |
O Fórum Econômico Mundial inicia seu encontro anual em Davos | Link | 26/05/2022 |
Com nova embaixadora, Brasil tem grandes interesses a alavancar na Coreia do Sul | Link | 26/05/2022 |
Reunião do BRICS reafirma compromissos do grupo | Link | 26/05/2022 |
Croácia aprova substituição da Kuna por Moeda única europeia - Euro | Link | 26/05/2022 |
Em ata, Fed sinaliza altas de 0,5 p.p. nos juros para próximas reuniões | Link | 25/05/2022 |
Novo PL preocupa a cadeia de aves e suínos | Link | 22/05/2022 |
Conference on the Future of Europe adopts proposals for change | Link | 19/05/2022 |
Carbon leakage: prevent firms from avoiding emissions rules | Link | 19/05/2022 |
Biden reforça importância da Otan após reunião com Finlândia e Suécia. | Link | 19/05/2022 |
Maduro: Venezuela passa a aceitar investimento estrangeiro em suas estatais | link | 16/05/2022 |
Preço do trigo dispara após decisão da Índia de suspender exportações | link | 16/05/2022 |
Deputados aprovam acordo com a Jamaica para cooperação na área de Defesa | link | 16/05/2022 |
Câmara pode votar nesta quinta-feira MP que prorroga incentivo a empresas de exportação | link | 16/05/2022 |
Viktor Orbán é eleito para 4º mandato consecutivo como premiê da Hungria | link | 16/05/2022 |
Os efeitos de longo prazo da alta do preço dos alimentos no mundo | link | 16/05/2022 |

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Brazilian Institute for the Development of International Business Relations
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