RĂºbia Costa Machado

mar 27

IBREI collaborates in the establishment of the Haiti Chamber of Commerce

On March 19th, the Brazilian Institute for International Business Relations (IBREI) actively participated in a crucial working meeting for the establishment of the Haiti Chamber of Commerce.

The event was attended by important representatives, including Mauricio Prazak, President of IBREI, International Vice President Arthur Martinho, and Commercial Director Gilberto Bueno.

Additionally, Emmanuel Petit, the future president of the Haiti-Brazil Chamber of Commerce, and Jimmy Joly, president of the Chile Haiti Chamber of Commerce, were present, contributing to the discussions and ongoing plans.

The formation of the Haiti Chamber of Commerce represents a unique opportunity to strengthen and expand trade ties between Haiti and other countries, including Brazil. IBREI, as an institution committed to the development of international business relations, played a key role in this process, offering support and guidance for the realization of this important milestone.

The creation of this chamber of commerce promises to facilitate trade exchanges, promote investments, and stimulate economic development both in Haiti and its trading partners. IBREI congratulates itself on actively participating in this process and looks forward to further contributing to the success of future initiatives of the Haiti Chamber of Commerce.